
Philippine Outsourcing: The Industry’s Advantages

Most reports would indicate that Philippine outsourcing is indeed moving from mostly voice services and now further expanding to complex services and other non voice services.

Maturation of the Industry

This development, also described by some as the maturation of the industry, is the same path taken by India. The Philippines has in fact already overtaken India in voice services – as announced by a New York Times article that named the Philippines as the “call center capital of the world.” And the country has also emerged as second only to India when it comes to complex services and non voice services. 

Strong education and language skills – Farhan Faruqui, Citi, Asia-Pacific’s head of global banking said in an exclusive interview with the Philippine Daily Inquirer – are among the factors helping move the Philippine outsourcing sector to higher value added knowledge process outsourcing. The Citigroup official also mentioned that the Philippines, despite the decrease in global investment caused by the Eurozone crisis, remains as a vibrant marketplace for raising capital and merger and acquisition (M & A). 

The non voice sub sector of Philippine outsourcing in particular – specifically software services, software development, web design, some aspects of global healthcare outsourcing, composition, typesetting, graphic design, animation, desktop publishing, legal services and shared services – is showing tremendous growth. 

Know the primary reason on why more business prefer to outsource software development @ www.Sourcefit.com

Image Source:www.nowcandoit.com


  1. There are lot of competitive companies in the Philippines there staff are highly skilled in their on field, maybe that is the reason why other countries use to outsource in the Philippines.


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